
Homework #4

1.Are feelings, emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?
I think feelings and emotion are same things, but them and facial expressions are different. In some cases, many people doesn’t show emotions in face. Especially, Japanese people hide them emotions, and they read the situation.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Then, write the English translation.  
嬉しい:happy glad      恥ずかしい:shy
悔しい:mortifying       腹立たしい:vexing
退屈:bored           疑わしい:suspicious
面倒くさい:troublesome   辛い:hard
怖い:fearful          興奮する:excited
楽しい:pleasant        頭にくる:mad
寂しい:lonely         不快な:uncomfortable

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
This word is very modern word. This got abroad among Japanese people from Akihabara. First, it was used with Japanese Otaku. When they looked favorite anime character, manga, game and so on, they said “moe~”!! They express pleasure, deep and excite with “moe~”. But, now this word is used many people in the world.

This word is expressed “be in a fix” and I don’t know what I should do.

This word is expressed some means that trouble, angry, mad and so on.



1, How do yougreet menbers of your family?
When I greet for family, I don 't special greet.
I use informal words for all family.

2, How do you greet that are important in society?
I use honorific words and perform formal bows.

3, DO you greet people from the opposite sex in a different way?
No. I don't change the way of greet for opposite sex. It has nothing to me that opposite sex.

4, Do you hug anyone?
No. I don't hufg for anyone because I feel ashamed. Especially, I hug for Japanese people.
But I hug foreigner, I don't feel ashamed much.